Posts Categorized: Commercial Construction

Emory Johns Creek Hospital’s Two-Floor Expansion

A doctor shows a patient who is laying in bed a chart

Emory Johns Creek Hospital recently celebrated the first anniversary of the completion of its major expansion project. Two floors were added to the hospital, allowing it to house more patients while also creating the opportunity for further development in the future. Background Emory Johns Creek opened in 2007 as a private-room community hospital in Johns… Read more »

Denver International Airport Gate Expansion

The Denver International Airport

When an area experiences enough growth and increased traffic, there comes a point where its facilities are no longer sufficient, and expansion is necessary. This was the case for the Denver International Airport, which recently completed a project to open 16 new gates in Concourse C-East. This expansion will help ensure the airport is able… Read more »

Successful Hotel Renovations – Lessons Learned

Hotel renovations are unique in that hotel properties are generally always occupied while the renovation work is being done. This is a fact of life, since shutting down an operating hotel for renovation is seldom an option due to the need to avoid laying off, re-hiring and training sometimes hundreds of employees, not to mention… Read more »

5 Tips for Rehabilitating a Historic Commercial Building

5 Tips for Rehabilitating a Historic Commercial Building

In many cities across the country, revitalization efforts are underway to improve city infrastructures. Local businesses have become an integral part of this, investing in the community through the rehabilitation of historic commercial buildings. While the benefits of restoring these older buildings are seemingly endless (restoring rundown neighborhoods, tax benefits, and cultural appreciation, just to… Read more »