Posts By: 123doorshield

Protecting your construction…and your health

Healthcare…   It keeps popping up in the news and with good reason; Obamacare seems to be waning in popularity, as per a recent article courtesy of National Review Online. Reince Priebus writes, “Obamacare has a growing number of congressional Democrats, its architects, running scared. The law is now having a real-world impact on people’s… Read more »

Say thank you to America’s veterans

The veteran population in America is increasing. They fought for this country and defended our freedom. They, rightfully, deserve the government’s support. Unfortunately, like so many other things in this country, such support is often hampered by bipartisan squabbles. The welfare of veterans should never be a victim of party lines, but of late, that… Read more »

The Artistic Side of the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles

Although becoming sick or injured is never a good thing, the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles takes unusual strides to ensure that their patients have creative ways to help them get through their recovery. The hospital’s artist program allows patients to focus on painting, music, dance and other artistic endeavors. While medicine and doctors help… Read more »

The George W. Bush Presidential Library and Construction Protection Systems

Thursday this week will mark the ceremonial opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum. President Obama, along with the living ex-presidents, will head to Dallas to partake in the festivities.   Presidential libraries are priceless parts of America’s collective memory and are to be cherished, no matter where you stand on political… Read more »

A New Colorado Housing Boom On the Horizon

Colorado’s supercharged upswing In a reversal from the last few years, the housing market in several of Colorado’s resort counties is booming like never before. Propelled forward by a particularly good month at the end of 2012, Colorado is seeing rising prices and a steady influx of new home buyers. In fact, December of 2012… Read more »

Surface Protection – The Stealth Profit Center

Over the past several years we have talked with hundreds and hundreds of construction professionals about surface protection. Many of these professionals recognize the need for surface protection during construction but it is such a small part of the overall project cost that it gets ignored or, in some cases, pulled from the budget as… Read more »